
Hi there!

My name is Kai and it’s been 2 3 years since I started to blog and more than 6 months since my last blogpost. I remember writing a lot when I was younger- short stories, news articles, feature stories- but blogging? Well, this is a whole new thing for me. I am a physician by profession. I used to practice in primary care, but stopped recently for a number of reasons, one of which includes an autoimmune disease. I used to act, (and I loved it) both on stage and in front of the camera, but acting has diminished into a rare hobby as I intermittently focus and refocus on my life’s purpose. I also play the piano and the guitar, and like every other Filipino, I love singing karaoke. I love to travel, especially to the beach where I could bury my feet in the warm sand, bask in the warmth of the sun, and listen to the waves. That too has become rare, since I now live in Alaska, where I try to be good at this role of being a wife. Yes, I have a husband, and he is God’s best gift to me! Faithful Resilience will reflect our imperfect lives, how God has afforded us the strength for resilience and how He has been faithful all these years. I may have occasional thoughts and musings too. So, may you be blessed. And thank you for reading the posts of a struggling blogger.

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